Welcome to my website. My name is Anna Schwarzer and I’m a fashion and beauty illustrator based in Frankfurt, Germany.
My love story with fashion illustration started when I was just a little girl: I was always drawing women with beautiful outfits – fashion designs that I hoped to wear one day. I also often I flipped through fashion magazines and catalogues. Art classes in school offered a whole new world for me when we drew with watercolors. After graduation, I wanted to become a fashion designer. 
After a fascinating internship at the Mannheim National Theatre costumes department I was lucky enough to get a spot at the University of Applied Sciences of Trier (FH Trier) to study fashion design.
During my studies I realized that my true passion was in drawing and illustrating fashion rather than in designing clothes. The drawing lessons were my favorite classes and I loved drawing women in amazing fashion gowns. Time flew by as I used my inks and brushes to illustrate quick fashion sketches on large papers. By the time I finished my fashion design diploma I decided that at some point in my life I would become an illustrator. 
First I've worked as a fashion design intern, followed by a few years as an art director (for an agency, later freelancing). Then I focused more and more on illustrating for fashion brands and at events. Nowadays I feel very lucky to have amazing clients, like
Dior, Tiffany, Gucci, Bucherer, Prada, Miu Miu, Givenchy, LVMH, Piaget, Vacheron Constantin, Richemont, Hugo Boss, Coty, L`Occitane, Jo Malone London, Samsung, Freundin (Burda), Axel Springer Verlag, Engelhorn and others. 

If you are interested in working with me, feel free to write an e-mail: mail (at) annaschwarzer.com 

I would love to hear from you.
– illustrations for invitations, packagings, cards and print media
– little animated illustrations that tell a story – for social media and more
– drawing at events: e.g. fashion sketches, little portraits, illustrations of products or themes like Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc. 
– creating new concepts & ideas for invitations, events, new product launches
– illustrations for editorials, magazines, tote bags, etc.
– analogue and digital illustrations, working with many tools (inks, aquarelle, acrylic, mixed media, Adobe CC Cloud, iPad)
Drawing with different equipment and offering styles is my passion. I love to evolve as an artist and I am always excited to create new illustrations and ideas for my clients. 
Willkommen auf meiner Website. Ich arbeite als Mode- und Beauty-Illustratorin und lebe in Frankfurt am Main. Ich arbeite für internationale Marken wie Dior und Hugo Boss. Oftmals reise ich zu wunderbaren Events mit tollen Gästen, um dort meine Illustrationen als Live Illustratorin zu zeichnen.
Ich liebe meinen Job und da ich ein Diplom in Modedesign habe, ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass mich meine Arbeiten mit Kunden aus den Bereichen Mode, Beauty und Style zusammengebracht haben. Zu meinen Kunden zählen, unter anderem: 
Dior, Tiffany, Gucci, Bucherer, Prada, Miu Miu, Givenchy, LVMH, Piaget, Vacheron Constantin, Richemont, Hugo Boss, Coty, L`Occitane, Jo Malone London, Samsung, Freundin (Burda), Axel Springer Verlag, Engelhorn und weitere. 
Die Kreation und das Zeichnen mit unterschiedlichen Mitteln und Stilen ist meine Passion. Die künstlerische Entwicklung als Teil meiner kreativen Arbeit ist sehr spannend und ich liebe es, neue Illustrationen für meine Kunden zu erschaffen.
Falls Sie Interesse an einer Zusammenarbeit haben, schreiben Sie mir gerne eine E-Mail: mail (at) annaschwarzer.com
Ich freue mich von Ihnen zu hören!
Meine Skills: 
/ Fashion & Beauty-Illustration
/ Event Illustration für Modeskizzen & Beauty Portraits (Live Sketching/Live Drawing)
/ Editorials
/ Packaging & Print
/ kleine GIFs & Animationen
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